Black Forest Tart

The Black Forest tart combines the tradition of German pastry with the Italian dessert made with shortcrust pastry. Here is the recipe to prepare a delicious Black Forest tart.

Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

  • 300 g of type 00 flour
  • 150 g of cold butter, cubed
  • 130 g of icing sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • A pinch of salt

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 500 g of syrupy sour cherries (or cherries if you prefer)
  • 250 ml of fresh cream to whip
  • 100 g of dark chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of kirsch (optional)


  1. For the shortcrust pastry, sift the flour with the icing sugar and salt. Add the butter and crumble everything with your hands to obtain a sandy mixture. Add the egg and the yolk and knead until you get a smooth dough. Wrap in cling film and leave in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

  2. In the meantime, prepare the filling. Drain the cherries and keep the juice. Chop the dark chocolate and melt it in a bain-marie or in the microwave, let it cool down a bit.

  3. Roll out the shortcrust pastry into an even layer and line a buttered and floured tart pan, creating a high edge. Prick the bottom with a fork.

  4. Spread the melted dark chocolate on the base of the tart, add the syrupy cherries on top (and the kirsch if you decide to use it), then put in the fridge for about 15 minutes so that the chocolate sets slightly.

  5. Bake the base in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 20-25 minutes or until the pastry is golden. Let it cool completely once baked.

  6. In the meantime, whip the cream with the granulated sugar until it is firm. When the tart base is cold, spread the whipped cream on the surface.

  7. Decorate with dollops of whipped cream, additional sour cherries, and flakes of dark chocolate or cocoa powder before serving.


The Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, or Black Forest gateau, is one of the most famous cakes in Germany. Classic and rich in flavor, with its unmistakable mix of chocolate, cream, and sour cherries, it has been the inspiration for this variant in tart form. With its shortcrust pastry base, it offers a pleasant contrast of textures that adds an Italian twist to the traditional German classic.

Black Forest Tart