Biscuity Tart with Nocciolata and Pears

The Biscuity Tart with Nocciolata and Pears is a delectable dessert that combines the sweetness of chocolate with the freshness of pears. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 300 g of dry biscuits
  • 150 g of melted butter
  • 250 g of Nocciolata (chocolate and hazelnut spread)
  • 2-3 ripe pears
  • 50 g of sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon (optional)


  1. Finely grind the dry biscuits using a blender or by putting them in a bag and rolling a rolling pin over it until you obtain a “flour” of biscuits.
  2. In a bowl, mix the crushed biscuits with melted butter until you have a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Line the bottom and sides of a springform pan (about 22-24 cm in diameter) with the biscuit mixture, creating an even layer and pressing down firmly with your hands or the back of a spoon.
  4. Put the base in the refrigerator to firm up for about 30 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, peel the pears and slice them, removing the core.
  6. In a pan, cook the pear slices with the sugar, lemon juice, and a tablespoon of cinnamon until they become soft but not mushy. This might take about 5-10 minutes.
  7. Evenly spread the Nocciolata over the biscuity base that has set.
  8. Arrange the pear slices on top of the Nocciolata forming a spiral from the center outward or in any way you prefer.
  9. Bake the tart in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes until the edges are golden.
  10. Let it cool completely before cutting and serving.


Nocciolata, a chocolate and hazelnut spread, is an Italian delight appreciated all over the world. It is often used as an alternative to the more famous chocolate and hazelnut spread, and can enrich a multitude of desserts, both baked and cold. Pairing it with pears is a classic in pastry making because the sweet-sour flavor of the pears perfectly balances the richness of the chocolate cream.

Biscuity Tart with Nocciolata and Pears