Bigoli in Red Pepper Sauce

Bigoli in red pepper sauce is a tasty and colorful dish, perfect for those who love the flavors of Mediterranean vegetables. Here is the recipe:


  • 350 g of bigoli (or another type of long pasta if not available)
  • 2 large red bell peppers
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 30 g of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • A pinch of chili pepper (optional)
  • Grated cheese for serving (pecorino or parmesan, depending on preference)


  1. Wash the peppers, remove the stem and seeds, and cut them into strips or cubes.
  2. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil and add the whole or chopped clove of garlic, according to your taste. If you like a bit of spice, you can also add a pinch of chili pepper.
  3. Add the peppers to the skillet and sauté over medium heat. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. When the peppers are soft and slightly caramelized, about 15-20 minutes later, remove the garlic (if used whole) and transfer everything to a blender or use an immersion blender to create a smooth sauce. If necessary, add a little pasta cooking water to achieve the desired consistency.
  5. In the meantime, cook the bigoli in plenty of salted water, following the cooking times indicated on the package.
  6. Drain the pasta al dente and transfer it to the skillet with the red pepper sauce, adding a little of the cooking water to bind everything together.
  7. Toss the bigoli in the sauce for a couple of minutes so that the pasta absorbs the flavor of the peppers.
  8. Serve immediately, adding grated cheese as desired.


Bigoli are a type of pasta similar to spaghetti but thicker and with a rough surface that perfectly captures the sauces. Originating from the Veneto region, they are classics of Italian cuisine, and their consistency makes them particularly suitable for rich and flavorful sauces like the red pepper one.

Bigoli in Red Pepper Sauce