Berry Meringue Ice Cream

I can give you the recipe for preparing a delicious Berry Meringue Ice Cream, a perfect dessert to conclude a meal with freshness or for a sweet break in the afternoon.


  • 500 ml of whipping cream
  • 200 g of meringues
  • 150 g of powdered sugar
  • 300 g of mixed berries (fresh or frozen)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Berries and fresh mint for decoration


  1. Start by whipping the cream until it is very firm, gradually adding the powdered sugar. Be sure to keep it cold during this process.

  2. If you have chosen frozen berries, you need to let them thaw. Once ready, set aside a small amount for the final decoration and puree the rest with the lemon juice, obtaining a berry sauce.

  3. Break the meringues into not too small pieces and gently fold them into the whipped cream, along with the berry sauce, creating a marbled effect. Do not mix too much to avoid deflating the cream.

  4. Pour the mixture into a plum cake mold lined with cling film or into a suitable freezing dish. Level the surface with a spatula.

  5. Cover the meringue with the foil and place it in the freezer for at least 4 hours or until it is firm.

  6. When ready to serve, take the meringue ice cream out of the freezer, remove the cling film, and overturn it onto a serving plate.

  7. Let the meringue ice cream soften for a few minutes, then decorate with the fresh berries set aside and some mint leaves to give a touch of freshness and color.


The meringue is a spoon dessert that has always been very loved in Italy for its crunchy texture given by the meringues and creaminess from the cream. The pairing with berries, in addition to providing a pleasant tartness, makes the dessert visually very attractive thanks to the vivid colors of the fruit.

Berry Meringue Ice Cream