Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict is a rich and delicious dish for brunch. Let’s go with the Italian variant of this classic dish.


  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 2 slices of pancetta or Italian raw ham as an alternative to bacon
  • 2 slices of Tuscan bread or, if you prefer, English muffins
  • Butter q.s.
  • Hollandaise sauce (for the sauce you will need 2 egg yolks, 100 g of butter, the juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper q.s.)
  • A handful of fresh spinach (added Italian touch)
  • White vinegar (for poaching the eggs)
  • Salt and pepper q.s.


  1. Start with the Hollandaise sauce: gently dissolve the butter in a saucepan and keep it warm. In another bain-marie saucepan, beat the yolks with the lemon juice, then slowly incorporate the melted butter while continuing to beat until you get a creamy sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

  2. For the poached eggs, bring a pot of water to a boil and add a little white vinegar. Crack an egg into a cup and gently slide it into the boiling water. Cook for about 3-4 minutes, then remove using a slotted spoon and set aside. Repeat the operation with the second egg.

  3. Meanwhile, heat a pan and cook the pancetta or raw ham until it becomes crispy. Set aside on paper towels.

  4. Toast the slices of Tuscan bread until they are golden and crispy. For a softer touch, you can spread a little butter on the still warm bread.

  5. In a pan with a drizzle of oil, quickly sauté the spinach with a pinch of salt for a few minutes.

  6. Now compose the dish: on the toasted bread first lay the spinach, then the pancetta or ham, and finally the poached egg. Cover them with a generous spoonful of Hollandaise sauce.

  7. Season with a pinch of black pepper and, if desired, a light sprinkling of paprika.


Eggs Benedict is a dish of American origin, often linked to the city of New York. The story goes that they were created for a client in search of a cure for a post-drinking headache. The dish has since become a classic for brunch, especially in the United States.

The version I have given you adds an Italian touch with the use of ingredients like Tuscan bread and raw ham.