Focaccia della befana

La Focaccia della Befana is a typical tradition in some Italian areas which is prepared on January 6th, the day of the Epiphany. It’s a sweet focaccia decorated with colored sugar sprinkles that resembles a sort of doughnut. Every area has its variations, but here is a classic recipe:


  • 500 g of flour type “00”
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 100 g of soft butter
  • 25 g of fresh brewer’s yeast
  • 200 ml of lukewarm milk
  • 2 eggs
  • The grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Colored sugar sprinkles for decoration


  1. Dissolve the brewer’s yeast in part of the lukewarm milk with a teaspoon of sugar.
  2. Place the flour in a large bowl and make a well in the center. Add the dissolved yeast and start to combine.
  3. Add the rest of the lukewarm milk, the eggs, the sugar, the grated lemon zest, and a pinch of salt. Knead vigorously until you get a smooth and elastic dough.
  4. Incorporate the soft butter in pieces and continue to knead until the mixture is homogeneous.
  5. Form a ball with the dough, place it in a bowl, cover it with a cloth and let it rise in a warm place until it doubles in volume (about 1-2 hours).
  6. Take the risen dough, give it the shape of a doughnut and place it on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  7. Let it rest again for about 30 minutes; meanwhile preheat the oven to 180°C.
  8. Once risen, decorate the surface of the focaccia with colored sugar sprinkles.
  9. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until it turns golden brown.
  10. Allow to cool before serving.


Despite the name, this focaccia does not contain the typical ingredients of savory focaccias, but is more similar to a soft and sweet cake. Moreover, it is decorated with colored sugar sprinkles to make it festive and attractive for children, with a clear nod to the sweets of the Epiphany tradition.

Focaccia della befana