Beer and Mortadella Risotto

Beer and Mortadella Risotto is an innovative dish that blends the delicate, amber flavor of beer with the savoriness of mortadella. Here is the recipe to prepare it.


  • 320 g of risotto rice (such as Arborio, Carnaroli, or Vialone Nano)
  • 80 g of mortadella, cut into cubes or strips
  • 1 finely chopped shallot
  • 500 ml of light beer
  • About 1 liter of light vegetable broth
  • 30 g of butter
  • 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (optional for garnish)


  1. Start by preparing the vegetable broth and keeping it warm on another burner.
  2. In a large saucepan, heat a drizzle of olive oil and add the chopped shallot. Sauté until it becomes translucent.
  3. Add the mortadella and let it brown slightly.
  4. Pour the rice into the saucepan and toast it for a couple of minutes, stirring well to flavor it.
  5. Deglaze the rice with half of the beer and let it evaporate over medium-high heat.
  6. After the alcohol has evaporated, start adding the vegetable broth one ladle at a time, waiting for the previous liquid to be absorbed by the rice before adding the next.
  7. Halfway through cooking, also gradually add the rest of the beer, as you would with the broth.
  8. Continue cooking the risotto, adding broth when necessary, until the rice is al dente (about 15-18 minutes).
  9. When the risotto is almost ready, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.
  10. Remove the risotto from the heat, add the cold butter in pieces and the Parmesan, then stir vigorously (mantecare) to incorporate the ingredients and make the risotto creamy.
  11. Let the risotto rest for a couple of minutes before serving.
  12. Plate the risotto, garnish with chopped fresh parsley if desired and serve hot.

You can choose a light beer with a flavor that is not too overpowering, so as not to overpower the taste of the mortadella. Remember that the quality of the beer will influence the final flavor of the dish, so choose a good Italian craft beer that can enhance the combination with the mortadella.


Beer risotto is a modern variant that exploits the aroma of malt and hops to enrich the flavor of the dish. The pairing with mortadella adds a touch of savoriness and a pleasant texture to the palate.

Beer and Mortadella Risotto