Beer and Mint Sorbet

Here is the recipe for a refreshing beer and mint sorbet, perfect for relaxing on hot summer days. It’s an unusual preparation, but the combination of beer and the freshness of mint might surprise you!


  • 500 ml of light beer (preferably a pilsner or lager type)
  • 200 g of granulated sugar
  • 1 bunch of fresh mint leaves
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 egg white (optional, it gives a fluffier texture)


  1. Start by preparing a simple syrup. In a small pot, put the sugar with 200 ml of water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and let simmer until the sugar has completely dissolved. Then, turn off the heat and let the syrup cool completely.
  2. In the meantime, wash the mint leaves and chop them finely.
  3. In a large bowl, mix the beer with the cooled syrup. Add the lemon juice and chopped mint leaves.
  4. If you wish to use the egg white, beat it until stiff peaks form. Gently fold it into the beer mixture, being careful not to deflate it.
  5. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and follow the instructions, or if you don’t have one, put the mixture in a container and freeze it. Stir with a fork approximately every hour to break up the ice crystals that form and attain a creamier consistency.
  6. When the sorbet is firm but still soft, it is ready to be served. Garnish each portion with a little fresh mint leaf for a decorative and aromatic touch.


Sorbet can be considered the ancestor of modern ice cream and has very ancient origins, with evidence dating back to Roman times. It has evolved over time, becoming a refined preparation often used as a “palate cleanser” between courses in rich meals. Beer sorbet is a more modern variant that artfully experiments with the world’s most widely consumed fermented alcoholic beverage.