Beef Medallions with Apple Sauce

Beef medallions with apple sauce are a refined and tasty culinary proposal. Here is how you can prepare them.


  • 4 beef medallions (filet) about 200 g each
  • 2 apples, preferably tart
  • 50 ml of brandy or Calvados
  • 200 ml of beef broth
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Butter as needed
  • Extra virgin olive oil as needed


  1. Core the apples and cut them into cubes. In a pan, heat a piece of butter and lightly fry the finely chopped onion until it becomes translucent.

  2. Add the apple cubes to the pan and let them flavor for a few minutes. Pour the brandy (or Calvados) and let the alcohol evaporate. Incorporate the honey and mix well.

  3. Add the beef broth and let the sauce reduce over medium-low heat until it reaches a slightly thick consistency. During cooking, add rosemary and thyme to flavor. Adjust salt and pepper to taste.

  4. Meanwhile, in a separate pan, heat a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a piece of butter. When they are hot, place the beef medallions in the pan. Cook the medallions on high heat for about 2-3 minutes per side, for rare, or longer depending on the desired degree of doneness. Salt and pepper the medallions.

  5. Once the medallions are cooked to the desired degree, remove them from the pan and let them rest for a few minutes, covered, so that the juices can distribute evenly.

  6. Plate the medallions adding the apple sauce on top and garnishing with a sprig of fresh rosemary or thyme to present.

Serve the beef medallions with the apple sauce hot, pairing, if you wish, with a side of seasonal vegetables or with mashed potatoes to soak up the delicious sauce.


Apple sauce is a great way to accompany red meats such as beef, thanks to its sweet-tart flavor that balances the richness of the meat. A good Calvados, which is a distilled apple liquor typical of Normandy, can add a deep aroma to the dish.