Strawberry Bavarian Cream

Strawberry Bavarian cream is a fresh and delicious dessert. Perfect for spring or summer, it’s a tasty variant of the classic Bavarian cream. Here is how to prepare it.


  • 500 g of fresh strawberries
  • 150 g of granulated sugar
  • 250 ml of fresh cream
  • 100 ml of whole milk
  • 4 sheets of gelatin (about 8 g)
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • A few strawberries for decoration
  • Fresh mint for decoration (optional)


  1. Begin by placing the sheets of gelatin in a bowl with cold water to soften.
  2. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and cut them into pieces. Put them in a blender with the lemon juice and blend until a puree is obtained.
  3. Take some of this puree and heat it in a saucepan with the sugar, until the latter has completely dissolved.
  4. Squeeze out the softened gelatin and add it to the saucepan with the hot puree. Mix well until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then, incorporate it into the rest of the strawberry puree.
  5. Whip the fresh cream, which must be very cold, until it becomes foamy but not too stiff.
  6. Gently fold the whipped cream into the strawberry mixture, trying to keep as much air in the cream as possible to obtain a light and fluffy Bavarian cream.
  7. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it almost to a boil. Remove from the heat and let it cool down a bit, then gently fold it into the strawberry and cream mixture.
  8. Prepare a Bavarian mold or individual molds, preferably silicone to facilitate the removal of the Bavarian once it has solidified.
  9. Pour the mixture into the mold and let it set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, better if overnight.
  10. To serve, briefly dip the mold in hot water and then invert the Bavarian onto a serving plate.
  11. Decorate with fresh strawberries and mint leaves before serving.

Fun Facts

Bavarian cream, or bavarois, is a dessert of French origin, whose name celebrates the gastronomic virtues of the cooks of Bavaria. Its soft and velvety consistency makes it perfect to be paired with fresh fruit or other decorative elements that enhance its flavor and presentation.

Strawberry Bavarian Cream