Bavarese with coconut and lime

The Bavarese with coconut and lime is a fresh and fragrant dessert, perfect as an after-dinner treat or for a special occasion. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 250 ml of coconut milk
  • 250 ml of fresh cream
  • 100 g of sugar
  • The grated zest of 2 limes
  • The juice of 1 lime
  • 12 g of sheet gelatin (fish glue)
  • 50 g of shredded coconut (optional for garnish)
  • Some coconut flakes or lime slices for decoration


  1. Start by placing the gelatin sheets in a bowl with cold water for about 10 minutes to soften them.
  2. In the meantime, pour the coconut milk into a saucepan, add the sugar and grated lime zest. Bring almost to a boil and then remove from heat.
  3. Squeeze the now softened gelatin sheets well and dissolve them in the warm coconut milk mixture, stirring until completely dissolved.
  4. Now add the lime juice and stir well.
  5. In a bowl, whip the fresh cream until it is semi-firm.
  6. Gently fold the whipped cream into the cooled coconut milk and lime mixture, stirring from the bottom up to avoid deflating the mixture.
  7. Pour the preparation into single-portion molds or into a large mold and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or until the bavarese has set.
  8. When ready to serve, you can garnish your Bavarese with shredded coconut, coconut flakes, and lime slices or zest for a touch of freshness and decoration.


The Bavarese (Bayerische Creme in German) originates from Bavaria, as the name suggests. It is traditionally a cream made from cream, eggs, and gelatin, enriched with various flavors. The coconut and lime version is an exotic variant that strays from classic European recipes, embodying a meeting of tropical flavors and continental preparations. When presenting this dessert, one can play with the contrast of sweet and tangy flavors and the soft and crunchy textures.

Bavarese with coconut and lime