Squid Fry in Batter

Squid fry in batter is a classic of Italian cuisine, beloved for its crispiness and sea flavor. Here is how you prepare it.


  • 500 grams of cleaned squid
  • Vegetable oil for frying (peanut oil is usually used for its high temperature resistance)
  • All-purpose flour as needed
  • 200 ml of very cold sparkling water
  • 1 egg
  • Salt as needed
  • Black pepper as needed (optional)
  • A few drops of lemon juice (optional)


  1. Prepare the squid if they have not already been cleaned by the fishmonger, removing the skin and innards, and cut them into rings or leave whole according to preference.
  2. Dry the squid well with kitchen paper.
  3. In a bowl, mix the flour with the sparkling water until you get a batter that is not too thick but not liquid either.
  4. Mix the egg into the batter and stir well to avoid lumps. You can add salt and, if you like, add a pinch of black pepper or a few drops of lemon juice for a touch of freshness.
  5. Dip the squid rings (or whole squids) in the batter, ensuring they are well coated.
  6. In the meantime, heat a generous amount of vegetable oil in a pan suitable for frying or in an electric fryer.
  7. When the oil has reached the ideal temperature (180°C), dip the battered squid in, a few at a time to avoid lowering the oil temperature too much and to prevent them from sticking to each other.
  8. Fry the squid until they have turned a golden color.
  9. Remove them with a slotted spoon and place them on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  10. Serve immediately, accompanied by lemon wedges if desired.


The batter made with sparkling water is a very used trick in frying because the carbon dioxide helps make the coating lighter and crisper. The secret to good frying is also in maintaining the temperature of the oil, which should never drop too much to prevent the food from absorbing too much oil and becoming greasier and heavier.

Squid Fry in Batter