Risotto al Barolo

Risotto al Barolo is a rich and flavorful dish that celebrates both risotto, one of the classics of Italian cuisine, and the intense aroma of the famous Piedmontese red wine. Here’s how to prepare this delight:


  • 320 g of Carnaroli or Arborio rice
  • 1/2 bottle of Barolo (or another good quality red wine)
  • 1 liter of hot vegetable or meat broth
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 50 g of butter
  • 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large pot, sauté the chopped onion in a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a knob of butter until it becomes translucent.
  2. Add the rice and toast it for about 2 minutes until it begins to become translucent, being careful to stir so it doesn’t stick.
  3. Pour half a bottle of Barolo and allow the rice to absorb the wine over moderate heat, stirring continuously.
  4. Once the wine has been absorbed, start adding the hot broth one ladle at a time, waiting until the previous liquid has been almost completely absorbed before adding the next one, continuing to stir frequently.
  5. Continue cooking for about 15-18 minutes or until the rice reaches the “al dente” stage, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. At the end of the cooking, remove the risotto from the heat and cream it with a knob of cold butter and the grated Parmesan, stirring gently to make the risotto creamy.
  7. Let the risotto rest for a minute before serving.


The Barolo used in the risotto is not just an ingredient, but it is also a choice that honors Italian winemaking tradition, in fact, Barolo is known as “the king of wines, and the wine of kings,” a title it has earned for its marked personality and the ability to age gracefully. Pairing the risotto with a glass of the same wine it is prepared with can be a truly refined gastronomic experience.

Enjoy your meal!

Risotto al Barolo