Baked Pasta with Fennel

Baked pasta with fennel is a creamy, comforting dish that combines the sweet taste of fennel with the richness of cheese and the pleasant texture of al dente pasta. Here is an Italian variant of this recipe:


  • 350g of short pasta (penne rigate, rigatoni, etc.)
  • 2 medium fennels
  • 200g of bechamel sauce
  • 200g of mozzarella, diced
  • 80g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Grated nutmeg (optional)
  • Breadcrumbs (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  2. Clean the fennel by removing the toughest outer parts and any roots. Thinly slice them.
  3. In a large pan, heat the extra-virgin olive oil and add the sliced fennel. Sauté the fennel over medium heat until it turns lightly golden and soft.
  4. Meanwhile, boil plenty of salted water and cook the pasta to 2/3 of the suggested cooking time on the package, as it will finish cooking in the oven.
  5. Prepare a bechamel sauce following your favourite recipe or simply heat ready-made sauce, adding a pinch of nutmeg if desired.
  6. Drain the pasta al dente and combine it in a bowl with the sautéed fennel, bechamel, mozzarella, and half of the Parmesan. Season with salt and pepper and mix well.
  7. Transfer the mixture into an oiled baking dish or one lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan and, if you like, some breadcrumbs for a crispy crust.
  8. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until the surface is nicely golden and crispy.
  9. Let it cool for a few minutes before serving.

Baked pasta with fennel lends itself to variations: you can add anchovies for a touch of savouriness, or diced cooked ham for a richer version. Also, using different varieties of cheese can further personalize the dish.


Fennel is a vegetable with a long history, already known and appreciated in ancient times for its aromatic and beneficial properties. In the kitchen, it is very versatile and lends itself well to both raw preparations, such as in salads, and cooked recipes like this gratin.

Pasta al forno con finocchi