Bagna càuda

Bagna càuda is one of the traditional dishes of Piedmont, especially in the Langhe area. It’s literally a “hot bath” of anchovies, garlic, and oil, in which both raw and cooked vegetables are dipped. Here is the recipe to prepare Bagna Càuda for about 4 people.


  • 300 g of salted anchovies or those in oil
  • 200 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 100 g of butter (optional)
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • Milk as needed
  • Assorted raw and cooked vegetables for dipping (such as peppers, cardoons, Jerusalem artichokes, cauliflowers, celery, carrots, etc.)


  1. First, if you are using salted anchovies, they need to be desalted by holding them under running water and then soaking them in cold water for about an hour, changing the water a couple of times.
  2. In the meantime, peel the garlic cloves and slice them thinly. Place the garlic in a small saucepan with cold milk and slowly bring to a boil. When the milk boils, drain the garlic and repeat the operation one more time to soften the flavor.
  3. Clean the anchovies by removing the head, tail, bones, and skin, then open them like a book and divide them into fillets.
  4. In a frying pan or in a typical “fujot” (fondue pot), put the extra virgin olive oil and the garlic previously boiled in milk, then turn on the heat and let the garlic gently fry until it is golden.
  5. Add the anchovies and gently mix with a wooden spoon until the anchovies have completely melted into the oil, creating a homogeneous sauce.
  6. If desired, you can also add some pieces of butter during cooking to make the sauce softer and less sharp.
  7. Bagna càuda should be served warm, keeping it so with a burner or a terracotta bowl with a candle underneath.


Bagna càuda is often the centerpiece of a convivial dinner among friends or family, and it owes its name to the “bath” in which the vegetables are dipped. Some also add a splash of cream to further sweeten the flavor. Traditionally, a “fujot” is used, which is a terracotta container capable of retaining heat. The vegetables are arranged around the warm container of bagna càuda and everyone dips as they please.

Bagna càuda