Avocado Cream

Avocado cream is a versatile and healthy dish that can be served as an appetizer, dressing, or as a base for a salad.


  • 2 ripe avocados
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Water or vegetable broth, to achieve desired consistency
  • Fresh aromatic herbs (such as cilantro, parsley, or basil), to taste


  1. Cut the avocados in half, remove the seed, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.
  2. In a blender or using an immersion blender, combine the avocado pulp, lemon juice, and extra-virgin olive oil. If you want a bolder flavor, you can add a peeled clove of garlic.
  3. Blend everything until you achieve a smooth and homogeneous cream. If the cream is too thick, you can add some water or vegetable broth until you reach the consistency you prefer.
  4. Taste and adjust with salt and pepper according to your personal preference.
  5. If you wish, add some fresh aromatic herbs and blend again to incorporate them.
  6. The avocado cream is now ready to be served. You can garnish it with a drizzle of oil and some green leaves.

This cream is perfect spread on toasted bread or as a dip for raw cut vegetables. Moreover, it can be an excellent alternative to mayonnaise in sandwiches or wraps.


The avocado is a very nutritious fruit, rich in healthy fats, vitamin E, and potassium. It is used in various international cuisines and, although it is not typical of Italian cooking, its use is becoming increasingly frequent for preparing healthy dressings and creamy sauces.

Avocado Cream