Artichoke ravioli with Parmesan

Artichoke ravioli with Parmesan is a refined and delicious dish. Here is the recipe to make them:


For the ravioli dough:

  • 300 g of “00” soft wheat flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • A pinch of salt

For the filling:

  • 6 fresh artichokes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Parsley to taste
  • 100 g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil

For the sauce:

  • Butter to taste
  • Sage leaves
  • grated Parmesan cheese for garnish
  • Salt


  1. Start by preparing the pasta for the ravioli. Place the flour in a mound on a work surface, add a pinch of salt and the eggs in the center. Begin kneading until you get a smooth and elastic dough. Let it rest wrapped in a clean cloth or plastic wrap for about 30 minutes.

  2. In the meantime, clean the artichokes by removing the outermost hard leaves, the tips, and the inner choke. Cut them into fine wedges and put them in water with lemon to prevent them from blackening.

  3. In a pan, sauté the garlic in extra virgin olive oil, add the artichokes, chopped parsley, salt, and pepper. Cook over medium heat until the artichokes are tender. If needed, add a bit of water to prevent sticking.

  4. Once cooked, remove the garlic and blend the artichokes in a mixer until you obtain a cream. Add the Parmesan and mix well. Adjust salt and pepper if necessary.

  5. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin or a pasta machine to get thin sheets. Place small amounts of artichoke filling at regular intervals on the sheet and cover with another sheet of pasta. Press around the filling to make sure the two layers of dough stick together, then cut out the ravioli with a pasta cutter.

  6. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the ravioli for a few minutes.

  7. For the sauce, melt some butter in a pan with a few sage leaves. When the ravioli are ready, gently drain them and transfer them to the pan with the butter and sage.

  8. Toss them briefly in the sauce, then plate them and garnish with additional grated Parmesan cheese.


Ravioli is a typical dish of Italian tradition, and their artichoke variant is a perfect union between fresh pasta and the delicacy of this spring vegetable. The Parmesan, with its strong flavor, enhances the taste of the artichokes without overwhelming it.