Seafood Risotto Arancini

Seafood risotto arancini are a delicious and refined variant of the traditional Sicilian arancino. Here’s the recipe to prepare them:


For the risotto:

  • 320 g of Arborio or Carnaroli rice
  • 1 chopped shallot
  • Extra virgin olive oil (as needed for sautéing)
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • Fish stock (as needed for cooking the rice)
  • 400 g of assorted seafood (e.g., mussels, clams, shrimp, squid)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • Chopped parsley (for garnish)
  • Saffron (a few threads for coloring)

For the arancini:

  • Prepared sautéed rice
  • 2 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Flour
  • Salt

For the breading:

  • Flour (as needed)
  • Beaten eggs (2-3 depending on the quantity)
  • Breadcrumbs (as needed)

For frying:

  • Vegetable oil (as needed for frying)


  1. Start by preparing the seafood risotto. Sauté the chopped shallot with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a large pan.
  2. Add the rice and toast it until it becomes translucent.
  3. Deglaze with white wine and allow the alcohol to evaporate.
  4. Gradually add the hot fish stock, stirring continuously, and cook the rice according to the recommended cooking times.
  5. Halfway through cooking, add the seafood and continue to cook, adding stock as necessary.
  6. Once the risotto is ready, adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper, and if you like, add saffron for a beautiful yellow color.
  7. Transfer the risotto to a baking tray to cool down.
  8. Once cooled, take portions of the seafood risotto and shape them into the typical spherical shape of arancini.
  9. Coat each arancino first in flour, then in beaten egg, and finally in breadcrumbs. Ensure they are thoroughly covered all over.
  10. Heat plenty of vegetable oil in a deep pan and, once the right temperature is reached (about 170°C), fry the arancini until they are evenly golden.
  11. Drain them on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Serve the seafood risotto arancini hot, perhaps with a sprinkling of fresh parsley.


Arancini are a typical preparation of Sicilian cuisine, and their name comes from their shape and color which resemble oranges. They are usually prepared with a filling of ragù, peas, and mozzarella, but this variant with seafood risotto is an excellent alternative, especially if you desire a taste of the sea.