Anchovy and Fennel Cake

The anchovy and fennel cake is a delicious preparation that combines the bold flavor of anchovies with the freshness of fennel. Make sure to have these ingredients:


  • 400 g of fresh anchovies
  • 1 bunch of wild fennel
  • 100 g of breadcrumbs
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper (optional)


  1. Clean the anchovies by removing the head, innards, and central bone, then wash and dry the fillets well.
  2. Finely chop the garlic and fennel, mix it with breadcrumbs, salt, and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Take a baking dish suitable for the size of the anchovy fillets and oil the bottom with extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Arrange a layer of anchovy fillets on the bottom of the dish, covering the entire surface well.
  5. Sprinkle a thin layer of the breadcrumb and fennel mixture over the anchovies.
  6. Continue with another layer of anchovies and again the breadcrumb and fennel mixture, alternating until all ingredients are used up, finishing with the breadcrumb mixture.
  7. Drizzle the top with a last round of oil and, if desired, a sprinkling of pepper.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes or until the surface is golden brown and crispy.


This dish has origins in the Italian peasant cuisine, especially from the Ligurian and Sicilian traditions where bluefish, like anchovies, is often used. Wild fennel adds a very particular aromatic profile that pairs perfectly with the intense flavor of anchovies. In Sicily, it’s also known as “Sarde a beccafico” if made with sardines instead of anchovies.

Note that I have kept the traditional Italian recipe. If you need to substitute any ingredients, do not hesitate to ask!

Anchovy and Fennel Cake