3-Ingredient Cake

The 3-Ingredient Cake is an extremely simple and delicious recipe that requires very few ingredients. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 120 g of dark chocolate
  • 3 large eggs
  • 70 g of sugar (sometimes it can be omitted if you prefer a less sweet cake)


  1. Preheat the oven to 170 °C (338 °F) and line a cake pan (about 20 cm in diameter) with parchment paper or by buttering and flouring it.
  2. Break the dark chocolate into pieces and melt it in a bain-marie or microwave. If using the microwave, remember to proceed in short intervals, stirring frequently to prevent the chocolate from burning.
  3. While the chocolate is cooling, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Beat the whites until they form stiff peaks.
  4. Add the sugar to the yolks and beat until you have a light and fluffy mixture.
  5. Gently mix the cooled melted chocolate into the yolk and sugar mixture.
  6. Fold the stiff egg whites into the chocolate, yolk, and sugar mixture gently and from the bottom up to keep them from deflating.
  7. Pour the mixture into the prepared cake pan and bake for about 20-25 minutes. The cake is ready when the center is moist but not liquid.
  8. Let the cake cool before unmolding and serving it.


This cake, also known as “Magic Cake” or “Soufflé Cake”, has uncertain origins, but thanks to its simplicity and intense chocolate flavor it has spread rapidly. Depending on the cooking time, the texture can vary from that of a soufflé to a denser, more compact cake.

Remember that this is a base: you can enrich it by adding spices, such as cinnamon or vanilla, or a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor of the chocolate. Bon appétit!